Pacific Dredge & Construction performed maintenance dredging for the Moss Landing Harbor District in October 2019 through January 2020. Approximately 65,000 cubic yards (cy) of sediment were removed from Moss Landing Harbor. Of the Approximate 65,000cy dredged, 17,000cy was dredged from the north harbor with a hydraulic cutter suction head dredge and utilized a booster pump to place the sand on the beach as replenishment. The remaining 48,000cy in the South Harbor was dredged using two different methods; the hydraulic cutter suction head dredge with 10” Eddy Pump excavator attachment and with a barge mounted Liebherr material handler using a 3 cubic yard CableArm environmental clamshell bucket. The South Harbor material was disposed of at the designated SF-12 ocean disposal site via both pipeline and dump scows. The sediment in the harbor was removed to minimum elevations of -10’ and -12’ MLLW. Two 200cy dump scows and 8,000 ft. of 12” pipeline was utilized for this job.